Build a stronger community today.

Each gift brings us one bridge closer to ending rural poverty.

Build a stronger community today. image


raised towards $135,000 goal


Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Each gift brings us one bridge closer to ending rural poverty.

A Strong Community Benefits All of Us

Northern Frederick County is known for its rolling fields, family farms, and quaint small towns, all nestled in the foothills of the Catoctin Mountains. It’s a beautiful area for hiking the Appalachian Trail, swimming at the lake, or exploring the falls. There are any number of vineyards to visit, antiques to shop, and history to absorb. In what she named “St. Joseph’s Valley,” it is here that Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton chose to settle and establish the Daughters of Charity. To this day, our mission continues to be the same: to address the basic human needs of the poorest communities.

But Northern Frederick County is also known for a much less noble reason: more than half of the population live in rural poverty.

These are your neighbors. They are the cashier, the fast food worker, the night custodian, and the store assistant. They stand beside you at the gas pump, praying to squeeze another gallon or two of gas out of their bank account this week so they can make it to work. They are the senior citizen who, thanks to inflation and COVID, must learn how to make their fixed income stretch farther than before.

Take Gary*, for instance. You know Gary. He always has a smile and takes pride in his job at the store. He lives within his means as best as possible, but his rent was recently raised. The heatwave has caused a surge in his electric bill, even though he tries to use his air conditioner sparingly, and while the cost of gas has gone down, it is still expensive to keep his older, inefficient car fueled enough to get to his job.

Have you noticed you don’t see as much of Gary anymore? Thanks to automation, he is needed less at the store, so his hours have been cut; he picks up a second job to make the difference. But then he’s hit with COVID for the second time. Between his lost wages and increase in expenses, he’d fallen behind.

Gary could have easily lost his home, his job, and his hope. But Seton Center was there to help. We assisted Gary with his rent payments and provided him with gas cards so he could make it to his job without worry. We also helped him search for more meaningful, reliable employment, and one of our volunteers coached him on interviewing and resume skills. Gary now has more stability in his life, bringing him closer to self-sufficiency each day. Soon, he will no longer be another statistic.


Without your gracious generosity, we could not live our mission for the people of Northern Frederick County (and beyond). Without your support, we could not continue to provide:

As it is all over the country, the cost of providing services has risen. As costs rise, so do the needs of the community. You will make all the difference for a senior living on a fixed income or one of our disabled neighbors relying on Social Security Disability Insurance to keep food on the table and a roof over their head. One gift will build one bridge out of poverty.

Can we count on you to provide that gift?

*Name changed to protect privacy